Have you ever noticed that no matter what grand idea Occupy comes up with, it’s always us that they ask to pay for it? The begging is unending and there are constant requests for money, for food, for everything they want or need including personal items like feminine hygiene products and even clothing.
Have you noticed how polite and conciliatory Occupy is when begging but how arrogant they are when lecturing us about the evils of our society and marching around disrupting our lives and our cities? Tell the truth; don’t you get just a tad tired of the hypocrisy? They expect the real 99% to support them while they trash our cities, condone crime and endanger our children. It’s almost schizophrenic.
This is what OWS supporters consider legitimate protest |
Today, Occupy Toronto announced the grand opening of their new Occupy Library which is a tent in the park they occupy. The announcement was made with great pride and a not too subtle request for donations of books. I couldn’t help wondering about that. It seems tome that the purpose of a library is to pick up books, not drop them off but I could be wrong. I don’t go to the library, I like to buy and keep my books.
Occupy London desperately needs a generator apparently but would also appreciate some spare change. Any amount will help according to the tweets I saw. I gather they expect you to drop by with the change as it is somewhat difficult to mail it in and they certainly have no intention of coming over to pick it up from anyone.
Occupy groups all over North America and parts of Europe continue to stand as beggars so that they can play revolution and disrupt the lives of the very people they beg for financial support. It’s almost laughable or would be except for the social and political blight this protest has become. The vandalism and cost for increased police services alone totals in the millions of dollars.
Today again, Occupy makes the news for less than admirable revolutionary acts.
It isn't about democracy, it's about communism |
In Occupy STL (St. Louis) a woman has charged another protester with sexually molesting her in her tent at the Occupy camp. You wonder why any organization that has the track record of the Occupy protest movement wouldn’t have put some kind of measures in place to start protecting people in their camps but, of course, they haven’t. This is a movement so self-absorbed with its own righteousness that in New Orleans, Occupy was too busy with revolution to realize a man lay dead in his tent for two days before his body was discovered.
Self-absorbed and self-righteous are the two phrases that really define Occupy for me.
Their recent Declaration of Occupy which is little more than an ill-informed catalogue of accusations against corporations is the culminating example of it. In the document (which by the way, they are in need of more financial support in order to have it printed), they accuse corporations of everything from perpetuating inequality in the workplace to murdering prisoners; of covering up oil spills (that would be like trying to hide an earthquake) to holding students hostage with the high cost of education that require student loans. I guess nobody in Occupy realizes that about 75% of the cost of education is salaries to professors and unionized support staff but hey, those guys are on Occupy’s side so better to blame the corporations.
Their recent Declaration of Occupy which is little more than an ill-informed catalogue of accusations against corporations is the culminating example of it. In the document (which by the way, they are in need of more financial support in order to have it printed), they accuse corporations of everything from perpetuating inequality in the workplace to murdering prisoners; of covering up oil spills (that would be like trying to hide an earthquake) to holding students hostage with the high cost of education that require student loans. I guess nobody in Occupy realizes that about 75% of the cost of education is salaries to professors and unionized support staff but hey, those guys are on Occupy’s side so better to blame the corporations.
My favourite was that corporations are responsible for selling privacy as a commodity. This is coming from a group who has used social media so carelessly that they’re fortunate someone is offering ways to protect their privacy.
They accuse corporations of buying political influence but politely ignore the influence bought by big unions, union pension funds and groups that support Occupy itself like The Tides Movement and Rebuild The Dream.
It is a wonderous document that is so inaccurate it betrays a naïve lack of understanding of the causes of the problems our societies face. Indeed when they include accusations that corporations aren’t very nice to animals but overlook the abuse of children within their own movement, it betrays a lack of values. But like I said, it is a wonderous document and I'm sure hours of work went into it so why spoil the beauty of the thing with facts?
While it is long on accusation, tragically the Declaration of Occupy is etremely short on solutions; which makes it sort of like your teenager whining about not getting a new iPhone but not really having a valid reason why they should.
But then, the irony of it all is lost on Occupy and its small group of supporters. It is a revolution of the clueless.
If you're as fed up with all of this as the rest of the Real 99%, get involved and help end this Occupy farce. Don't retreat....RETWEET!
The Declaration of Occupy
Video of Man Using Child As Human Shield While He Taunts The Police
Man Charged With Sexual Assault At Occupy STL Camp
The Occupy Rap Sheet: 302 Crimes and Incidents To Date
The Occupy Rap Sheet: 302 Crimes and Incidents To Date
The Real 99% Campaign To End The Occupy Farce
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