Kamis, 17 November 2011

It's Time To Organize The Real 99% and End This Occupy Farce

Every day, I see tweets from the Occupy protesters.

Most of those tweets are self-congradulatory or more inaccurate whining about the injustices of the world but some are organizational. It isn't just rhetoric and allowing crime in their movement that Occupy has become accomplished at. They use social media to motivate each other and to organize. It's time that those of us who are opposed to what this madness has done to our cities, do the same thing.

I see tweets every day from people across North America who are opposed to Occupy. I see tweets about crime in their camps. I see tweets about how frustrated people are and I see tweets about the inaction of many of our mayors.

We can't rely on our mayors. Too many of them are caught like a deer in the headlights so I'm afraid it is going to be up to us.

It's time to use social media to spread the word that we are fed up with Occupy and want it gone. If you agree, then all you have to do is retweet every message you see on Twitter that opposes Occupy or brings to light one more of Occupy's little hypocrisy's or crime in any of the tent cities that are left. Reply to every OWS message and tell them you are fed up. Be polite but be firm. Let's overwhelm them with the knowledge that they don't represent or speak for us! Retweet to your mayor and city councillors. Let them know constantly how frustrated we all are. 

It is time for us to stop being individual voices in the wilderness and start being one very loud voice. If we cooperate wie with each other, we can make enough noise to expose and then drown out the nonsense coming from Occupy. If we cooperate, our mayors may finally become more afraid of us than of the handful of protesters that have them waffling in indecision.

Want to end this Occupy farce? Join the real 99%. Use Twitter to take back our streets and our cities. If we don't step up and get in the game, Occupy wins by default because we couldn't be bothered to dress for the game.

It isn't up to our mayor or Occupy how this ends. It's us up to us, the real 99%.If you are tired of the filth in their camps, the crime, the disruption, the violence and the vandalism Occupy has caused, don't retreat....RETWEET!

© 2011 Maggie's Bear
all rights reserved
The content of this article is the sole property of Maggie's Bear but a link to it may be shared by those who think it may be of interest to others

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