Minggu, 13 November 2011

"Do Not Tell The Police" - Occupy's Ultimate Hypocrisy

"If you witness a sexual assault....do not tell the police” –Occupy

Just when you thought it couldn’t get more cynical, more dangerous and have even less respect for the rights and safety of others; the Occupy protest steps up to reveal even more hypocrisy. The links below are of videos from Occupy Denver and Baltimore general assemblies where happy campers were told not to notify the police if they witnessed or were victims of a sexual assault.

Occupy is not a legitimate protest movement. Let me say that again. Occupy is not a legitimate protest movement.

 It is a gang of thugs and extremists who place their agendas ahead of doing what is right, ahead of the safety and well-being of those who trusted their message and who are being betrayed by a cynicism that makes a politician look like Mother Theresa.

I am outraged by this. I have daughters and to think that there are people in this and other communities who think so little of the daughters and sisters and wives of others that they would purposely put them in harm’s way so that the reputation of their squalid protest movement isn’t tarnished is deplorable.

If you are one of those naïve people who thought that Occupy was doing something worthwhile and deserved your support, give your moral compass a severe make over. Seven people are dead because they were associated with this movement. Hundreds have been the victims of physical and sexual assaults, robberies and vandalism.

Occupy has loudly stated, and often, that it is not responsible but the truth is on the table. They are responsible and they are trying desperately to cover it up. If you continue to support them, you are complicit and as guilty as they in what happens to others. It will be your fault that our cities have become violent as this mindless and self-serving rabble continues to put itself ahead of anyone and everyone else, including its own membership.

Our mayors and city governments have failed us miserably and they are as much responsible as anyone else for what is happening. You have a choice to make. You can either continue to support this deceit and hypocrisy or you can stand up for what it right and demand that Occupy be shut down. You can expose it for what it is by sending this post to as many people as you can and you can take back decency as your driving force. Otherwise, you might as well look that young woman in the eye and tell her that if she is raped, she is not to call the police.

Occupy has shown its true colours and they are shameful! They stand for nothing and are merely posers and vagrants. They are dishonest radicals without morals or values and if you continue to support them, you become no better than they are.

I’ve made my choice and will do everything I can to see them shut down once and for all!

If you witness a sexual assault, do not tell the police (link from Ironic Surrealism)

© 2011 Maggie's Bear
all rights reserved
The content of this article is the sole property of Maggie's Bear but a link to it may be shared by those who think it may be of interest to others

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