Kamis, 24 November 2011

A Occupy Photo Essay: What $50 Million Has Bought Us So Far

I like to write but sometimes pictures say more than words ever can. These are pictures of various Occupy actions and sites which pretty much speak for themselves.

The apparent goal

The apparent Occupy idea of a better tomorrow for all
And more examples of that better tomorrow

Oops! Did we do that? Sorry, it wasn't our fault.

The enemies of the people continues to expand
Occupy Oakland's idea of peaceful protest

Learning how to help the 99% with life-size Lego

Children always make the best shields

An Occupy protester helpfully fixing a bank's sign

Occupy protesters apologizing for getting in the way of
some one on their way to work

Showing a high degree of commitment to making the world
a better place - made a sign all by themself

Corporations may be evil but corporate marketing
is a great way to get the brand message out.

The total cost of the Occupy protest across North America is nearing $50 million in just over ten weeks. In New York alone it is approximately $13 million. When you look at the pictures of what Occupy has accomplished in bringing about a better tomorrow, I'm sure you will agree that it seems a small price to pay.

An earlier post of more images of the Occupy concept of freedom and making a better world

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