Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

Sharing A Smile - This Week's Favourite Tweets

I get a pretty large response to the posts I do of some of the tweets that made me smile over the past week and I can understand why. Some of them are quite clever and almost all of them are very funny. There’s a lot of serious stuff going on in the big world so it’s always pleasant when someone tweets something that breaks us from the doom and gloom to make us smile.

Here are a few from the past week that made me smile and I hope they do the same for you.

Mymebizzatch Myme Δssassino
My lesbian friends asked me what I wanted for my birthday. They gave me a Rolex. I think they misunderstood when I said I wanna watch.

SoPrettyChels Lois Lane
!!!! RT“@95rider: A cop pulled me over and said "Papers" So I said, "Scissors... I win.", and then drove off...”

Mymebizzatch Myme Δssassino
It's all about perspective. The sinking of the Titanic was a miracle to the lobsters in the ship's kitchen.

Chatterbox17 Chatterbox
Went to the WalMart to get my eyes tested they told me to cover one eye and tell them how many teeth the first cashier had left

PhilLaysheO PhilLaysheO
Just found my first gray pubic hair and let out a squeal. Not sure who's more freaked out by it, me or the coworkers standing near my desk.

SkittleMonsters The Hairy Hungarian
Religious favstar users, are like 12 year olds with Xbox Live game scores. Except apparently the 12 year old has ‘had sex with ‘my mom too.

Reilly4Sanity \m/(oo)\m/
David Koresh wore glasses, wouldn't that be a clue he wasn't divine?

missingblakes missingblakes
During the decline of the Roman Empire, the people were appeased by bread and circuses. Silly Romans…Hey, UFC is on! Pass me a Twinkie.

FBRASWELL Frank Braswell
RT @divacafemoms: @FBRASWELL If you use your dvd drive to hold your spit cup, you might be a digital redneck...

GDRPempress Good Day, Reg People
After this week of leftovers, Xmas dinners, inbetween party dinners, catering event take homes, my stretch pants have no choice, really.

All tweets are presented here unedited except for profanity. Feel free to pass them along to anyone you want. The world could use a few more smiles.

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