Initially it received a great deal of attention and no small level of support across all levels of society and not without good reason. There is clearly a problem with a democracy where those who have the most twist the rules in their favour; a society where banks and the financial securities industry treat a nation’s economy like a casino and where politicians become wealthy for violating the principles and values for which they swore to uphold and upon which they were elected.
It was this mess that gave birth to Occupy and many flocked to support the protest because it was on the right side of the issues but not any longer. Support is dwindling, plummeting actually and the precious movement has become increasingly desperate in its actions in attempt to reclaim some relevance.
It won’t succeed.
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photo: New York Times |
Since November, Occupy has been co-opted by radicals and thugs who have bullied the more sincere protesters into submissive silence or driven them from the movement. Where once Occupy used the somewhat original and even good natured concept of tent cities to call attention to the issues the more extreme within the protest group turned to vandalism and violence.
People have been raped, robbed and bullied. Private property has been damaged to the tune of million of dollars across North America. Weapons have started to appear including, knives, Molotov cocktails and guns. Police officers, para medics and fire fighters have been attacked randomly in retaliation for doing their jobs and small businesses and shops, even churches targeted.
People have been raped, robbed and bullied. Private property has been damaged to the tune of million of dollars across North America. Weapons have started to appear including, knives, Molotov cocktails and guns. Police officers, para medics and fire fighters have been attacked randomly in retaliation for doing their jobs and small businesses and shops, even churches targeted.
Occupy has demonstrated the attention span and focus of a gnat.
Everything and everyone with whom it disagrees on a given day becomes the enemy and is targeted by some random gang of thugs for “occupation”. Usually this mob has no more understanding of the issues or even the real reason for protesting beyond the fact that they aren’t getting their own way but in the end, acting like spoiled children has done nothing to advance the cause.
A female Coast Guard officer was spit on going to work by Occupy Boston protesters. Think about that for a moment. The Coast Guard does exactly what its name implies. It protects the USA’s coastline. It is engaged in search and rescue and saves lives. This particular officer is a member of the 99% but because she serves her country, she is now an “enemy of the people” and deserves harassment and bullying by a rabble of the intellectually dispossessed.
The simple fact of the matter is that this failed protest gang has demonstrated repeatedly that it lacks focus, values or the ability to think beyond its own limited understanding of society or its own selfish wants.
It is driven now by people who are little more than common criminals who try to legitimize their actions by labeling them as activism but this isn’t activism. This is self-indulgence by a mob of ill-informed and morally bankrupt anarchists and extremists who have discovered a sense of self-empowerment that has become their drug of choice. The issues are irrelevant to them. It is the action they crave.
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In the end, Occupy has not evolved into a broader, unifying force for change, it has eroded into a violent parody of protest where those who supported it eventually become targets of the movement.
The enemies list grows every day and usually at the expense of members of the 99%.
Where once supporters included celebrities, police, military, unions, churches and others across the 99%, all of those have become targets of Occupy at some point and I believe it is because at the end of the day, the people who now make up Occupy are nothing less than cowards. They lack the courage to sit down and tackle the real issues. They lack the courage to be the ‘power of one”. Instead, they form gangs and rabble flash mobs to bully and intimidate and almost without exception, it is someone or some group within their own former support network they target.
The enemies list grows every day and usually at the expense of members of the 99%.
Where once supporters included celebrities, police, military, unions, churches and others across the 99%, all of those have become targets of Occupy at some point and I believe it is because at the end of the day, the people who now make up Occupy are nothing less than cowards. They lack the courage to sit down and tackle the real issues. They lack the courage to be the ‘power of one”. Instead, they form gangs and rabble flash mobs to bully and intimidate and almost without exception, it is someone or some group within their own former support network they target.
Cowards. Fools. Hypocrites. Sycophants and thugs. Each and all of those words describes accurately what Occupy has become and define why it is and will continue to fail.
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photo: New York Post |
A cause without a sense of justice is nothing less than an unjust mob. A mob without real purpose or self control is nothing but rabble. At the end of day, a rabble that ignores the principles of democracy that are based on respect for the rights of others and equality has no legitimacy nor has it anything to teach others. It is for this reason that Occupy will continue to fail. It is loud. It is aggressive but it has lost all sense of legitimacy and relevance with the very people it thought it represented. By acting like school yard bullies and self-indulgent punks, it has become everything it protested. It has become the antithesis of what it promised and is nothing more than a motely collection of technologically proficient street gangs and thugs.
Or to put it the way my late mother might have, Occupy simply has no class. It’s small wonder that support has plummeted. It isn’t the issues that are losing support, it is Occupy itself. Even the word has made the top 10 list of most detested words for 2011.
Like the dear lady said….no class.
Occupy Boston thugs bully and spit on female Coast Guard officer
Acorn, one of the groups behind Occupy shreds documents and fires employees who speak out
OWS protester stabs police officer while others try to block ambulance taking him to hospital.
OWS protester stabs police officer while others try to block ambulance taking him to hospital.
Occupy descends from protest movement to Lord Of The Flies
Occupy Portland - If you witness a sexual assault, don't tell the police.
Occupy email outlining plan to destabilize governments and global markets
Church that supported Occupy becomes target of the protest
© 2011 Maggie's Bear
all rights reserved
The content of this article is the sole property of Maggie's Bear but a link to it may be shared by those who think it may be of interest to others
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