I wrote yesterday about fear being one of the primary causes of our anger and Old Marine sent along this post which he thought was a good companion piece to what I had written. I agree. I don't always agree with Gunny but I do in this particular case and whether we agree on an issue, he always does his homework. If he quotes a fact....you can take it to the bank as truthful.
It's what I most admire about him. He not only believes in things like truth, duty and honour; he lives them every day. He loves his country and always takes the time to research and consider issues before he reacts or responds. I admire that about him as well. Whether you agree with his opinions or not, you could learn much from his approach to issues......we all could.
Sometimes – History Needs a Push
Caution to readers, this editorial may offend some, not for language, but because it will hopefully make you think, and as the saying goes, “Thinking hurts”. All remarks and/ or opinions expressed are mine and are not that of Rebuilding Freedom or other administrators. Now, if you are still me, let’s take a journey to the weird side.
A trend began in the late 1960’s, a trend that has developed into an almost overwhelming distrust of the federal government. Now, let’s get this up front, has our government done some under handed things? YES. Has our government lied to the American people? YES. Has distrust been earned, perhaps nurtured it? MAYBE people in and out of the government have nurtured this distrust; if so is there an ulterior motive? Have the American people become so distrustful they will believe anything they hear / see / read on the radio, on T.V. or on the internet. Has this distrust become so overwhelming that people have suspended / lost commonsense. Unfortunately, for some, I have to say yes and I feel that these people are inadvertently aiding our enemies in bringing on the downfall of America.
I could begin with some of the early examples of the distrust in the government, the JFK assassination, U.F.O’s , 9-11 and many more, but time and space will not allow it. I would like to stay more in the present.
I would like to begin with the current controversy with the current Defense Authorization Act. For some reason, the web and twitter went crazy how Americans will be detained without trial if “suspected” of being
“or part of, al-Qaeda or an associated force that acts in coordination with or pursuant to the direction of al-Qaeda; and (B) to have participated in the course of planning or carrying out an attack or attempted attack against the United States or its coalition partners.”
Now, I fully understand that this could be interpreted as a violation of our Constitution, and people should be outraged if it were, but it seems that no one on T.V., radio and the Web wants to read any further.
“or part of, al-Qaeda or an associated force that acts in coordination with or pursuant to the direction of al-Qaeda; and (B) to have participated in the course of planning or carrying out an attack or attempted attack against the United States or its coalition partners.”
Now, I fully understand that this could be interpreted as a violation of our Constitution, and people should be outraged if it were, but it seems that no one on T.V., radio and the Web wants to read any further.
In the same section for all to see and read, if they have a mind to is the statement,
“The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States and (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS. The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.”
“The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States and (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS. The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.”
Why do people seem to want to omit these particular statements in their postings or discussions? Is there a possibility of abuse, definitely, just as there is a possibility of abuse of the Constitution (Commerce clause as an example), but you have to ask yourself why this statement concerning the Constitution is not mentioned? Is it too inadvertently to further distrust in our government? Is it to gain viewers / listeners / readers? Is it part of an agenda to actually create more distrust in our government? Or an agenda by the administration, the ACLU and Amnesty International , who are opposed to this bill in order to, I believe, bring prisoners here to American soil for trial?
I had a friend say to me, “If the ACLU, Administration, Amnesty International is against it, then I’m for it.” Well, I’m not it that camp; I want to look at it more closely. Something, I feel too many people aren’t willing to do.
Needless to say, following closely on this came “Obama’s Plans to Imprison 500,000 Americans”. Now, this goes into the “FEMA Camps” and the site even gives a “nice”, if not colorful map about locations of said camps. A little more on FEMA Camps later. As one reads this “article”, the author cites and builds on the "The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act” of 2007. Strange, the author does not cite any references to this act or even a link where people can read it for themselves. A point to remember, there is nothing done in the Critter corral that does not go into the Federal Record, except security briefings, and even then with the proper clearance they are accessible. Did the writer take the American people for stupid, naïve’ or both?
Now with a few keystrokes, a search engine we can discover what actually happen to this bill. Like the very simple question, “Did it pass? Was it signed into law?” Was the writer just trying to “make a name for himself” (take a look at the writer’s name) or was it to foster more distrust of the government. Well, I did what any clear thinking person should do. I read, dissected the article and then checked the “status” of the bill.
To begin with, YES it was introduced in the House in 2007, remember, Obama was a junior senator at the time. Now, here is the most important thing, WHAT happened to this “bill”, seems the author of the article bothered to say, and no one took a few minutes to check it out before spreading the rumor or engaging in fear mongering. This bill went to house committee and passed the house then it DIED! . Now, look at the party who introduced it and remember what party was in control of congress in 2007 and why wasn’t it brought up in the senate? Then ask yourself, how Obama could use a law that wasn’t even passed to violate the people’s rights. Yes, he could attempt to use Executive Orders (EO’s), but hopefully that would be challenged. Why would someone want to develop further distrust in the government? To what purpose?
Speaking of EO’s, which Obama is completely out of control on their use and Congress does nothing, they seem to be the basis of the ever popular FEMA camps fear campaign. as they were during the Bush administration.
The first thing when someone says something about FEMA camps, a person should ask, “Does the government REALLY believe that 500,000 Americans will go peacefully into the night?” If the answer is yes, thenAmerica is in a bigger trouble then I feel we are. Now, let’s use one particular site, where a page titled “American Concentration Camps”.
The page has some interesting photos and video clips, particularly the one at the top of the page. It appears to be a perimeter defense, complete with guard towers, however there is no caption, no information, BUT people will believe that this is a FEMA camp. Why, because the distrust of our government has been so imbedded into people’s minds and sadly, basic commonsense has disappeared. There is also a very interesting video, that uses the idea of a U.S. Army unit serving as U.N. peacekeepers in Kosovo and later working with allied troops, German and French (who happen to be NATO allies), in Arkansas. People, please stop and think, the U.S. has worked with and trained our ally troops here in Americaand overseas for years, I’ve personally worked with British, Australian, Korean, Japanese and others. Now, just because the video shows Urban combat training, why the assumption of the worst, based solely on a video clip(s)?
Now, what about the “Executive Orders associated with FEMA that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:…”
EO 10990 – “allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.” This was signed in February, 1962, At the height of the Cold War. A side note, FEMA was not even around during this period. FEMA was established in 1979 by Carter, another Democrat. This EO was eventually revoked by EO 12196.
EO 10995 – “allows the government to seize and control the communication media.” Again, during the Cold War, it was REVOKED by 11556 in September, 1970.
EO 10997 through 11005 – These cover various functions, again all concerns that the President and the nation had during the height of the Cold War. They were all revoked by EO 11490,October 28, 1969.
I could most likely go through and research all of the EO’s featured on the page, however, I feel I have shown that eleven of the fifteen EO’s mentioned had been established BEFORE FEMA was created, roughly 17 years before, during the height of the Cold War (and those who live through that period remember it well) and there were later revoked.
To get this information, it only took a few keystrokes to check these Executive Orders out. I have to ask, “Why haven’t others? Why are people so quick to believe in the worst of our government? Why do people insist on spreading “rumors” an evoking fear of our government?”
The final “headline” that seemed to make its way around Twitter and the net that I’m going to discuss is “Obama Declare War on Iran (Plans to Attack Iran) Declare Martial Law and Suspend Elections” (I apologize, but I lost the links to this and believe it has been scrubbed), seems funny I believe I heard this before. Like “Bush to AttackIran, Suspend Elections, and Declare Martial Law???” from July, 2008. I guess if it fostered fear and distrust back then, why not use it again?
I can not in good conscience say that we are not in danger, particularly with what has been going on within our country, the world and even the government over the past thirty plus years? However, I will continue to attempt to look for a reason or reasons that people will start and push these various conspiracy theories. I will also look for reasons why some people will continue to believe and spread these theories even in the face of evidence to the contrary.
As to the latter, why people will believe in and continue to spread rumors, there are as a many reasons as there are people, I can list a number of them, but I am conscience of people’s feelings and will not do that.
Now, as to the former, Lenin said, “Sometimes – History needs a push” and I feel that IF enough distrust in the federal government is developed, maybe, just possibly, someone on the very extreme left or right, will take action and attempt to do something about it. How many times has a person seen or read something about a “new” revolution? Not at the ballot box, but in the streets. But please remember this, though our form of government may be flawed, so far it is the best one and does anyone want to take a chance on something else.
Now, who has everything to gain if there is an attempt to change our form of government? The list is fairly long. Is there a person, a group who benefits from the building and fostering of distrust in our government? Please remember what Sun Tzu said, “Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent’s fate.” and fear can make even rational people do strange things.
Or it could be as simple as someone wants attention, wants to make money (I see nothing wrong with that, hey that’s the American way) or maybe they are just good storytellers who are counting “there is one born every minute”. Maybe it’s all three. I just wish people, would take the time to think, use some commonsense and most importantly check things out.
What are your thoughts?
Semper Fi,
© 2012 Old Marine / Maggie's Bear
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