I have always tried to bring a level of objectivity to what I write. I tend to be conservative by nature, although not always by voting practice. If I have an ideology, it is that I am opposed to injustice and hypocrisy (not to mention stupidity) and can be as critical of what I see on the right as what I see on the left. That objectivity is increasingly being threatened by what I see happening on the left lately.
Former President George W. Bush expressing his feelings about the Constitution and the law. |
More troubling, it was a clear message to terrorists that they had succeeded in making their enemy so afraid, they were willing to violate their own beliefs and laws in order to protect themselves,
Detainees at Gitmo, blindfolded and water boarded.. Started by a right-wing president, continued by one from the left. Is this really American? |
Consider these policies implemented by under a Democratic presidency.
FAST AND FURIOUS: The ATF was authorized to sell, and did sell, illegal automatic weapons to members of drug cartels abroad. Many of those illegal weapons found their way back into the United States where more than one American Citizen has been murdered as a result. In the current administration's twisted way of thinking in the War On Drugs, they have somehow developed the idea that the best way to fight crime is through criminal acts is supposed to be an anathema to the morality espoused by the left.
REDEFINING DUE PROCESS: The current Administration has now redefined due process to such a narrow, legalistic meaning, they had to come up with a separate name for it; judicial process. According to the those who defend liberty on behalf of Americans, citizens of the U.S. are not entitled to due process, just judicial process. This is the interpretation they now use to justify the killing of American citizens abroad and are using to rationalize the killing of American citizens within the country.
No need to take my word for it, Eric Holder, Attorney General under Barrack Obama is on record with this definition and his FBI Director refused, before a Congressional Committee, to answer whether or not, the administration now condoned the killing of Americans within their own country. Syria's Basshar Al-Assad uses much the same legal argument to justify the killing of Syrian citizens and while the left is highly critical of the Syrian government, it is silent about the dangerous path its own president is taking them down.
No need to take my word for it, Eric Holder, Attorney General under Barrack Obama is on record with this definition and his FBI Director refused, before a Congressional Committee, to answer whether or not, the administration now condoned the killing of Americans within their own country. Syria's Basshar Al-Assad uses much the same legal argument to justify the killing of Syrian citizens and while the left is highly critical of the Syrian government, it is silent about the dangerous path its own president is taking them down.
SOPA and PIPA, two bills put forward to provide the administration far-reaching powers to control the Internet, again outside the limits of constitutional due process. (For those on the left who were unaware, drafting of the legislation now known as SOPA was initiated in 1997 at the beginning of Bill Clinton's term in office. In typical government fashion, it has taken 14 years for various Congressional Committees to finally get it to a stage where people can actually see it and oppose it.)
PRE-CRIME DETECTION: In what can only be described as science fiction, The Department of Homeland Security is moving forward with pre-crime detection, a means whereby it believes it will be able to predict the likelyhood of someone to commit a terrorist or criminal act. It's almost as if the administration has turned national security over to the same people who develop video games or at the very least, watched Minority Report starring Tom Cruise just once too often.
The left sneers at the right for its tough on crime agendas but the right never came close to dreaming up a way of holding people accountable for crimes the authorities thought they 'might' do. What kind of left-wing mania drives such a level of paranoid tyranny?
PRE-CRIME DETECTION: In what can only be described as science fiction, The Department of Homeland Security is moving forward with pre-crime detection, a means whereby it believes it will be able to predict the likelyhood of someone to commit a terrorist or criminal act. It's almost as if the administration has turned national security over to the same people who develop video games or at the very least, watched Minority Report starring Tom Cruise just once too often.
The left sneers at the right for its tough on crime agendas but the right never came close to dreaming up a way of holding people accountable for crimes the authorities thought they 'might' do. What kind of left-wing mania drives such a level of paranoid tyranny?
THE LACK OF RESPECT FOR THE TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF OTHER NATIONS: Under President Obama, The United States violated the sovereignty of Pakistan in order to kill Osama Bin Laden and Yemen to kill Anwar al-Awlaqi, an American citizen. I don’t condone terrorists and support efforts by all democracies in taking strong and aggressive action to capture, try and convict them. Having said that, I fail to see how violating your nation’s laws and ideals to protect those things, including violating the sovereignty of other nations, does anything other than demonstrate the failure of your own system and way of life. When the enemy successfully brings you down to his level, he's already won.There are some who celebrate this international form of vigilante justice but the left, which heavily criticized the Bush Administration for similar attitudes and breaches of law, has been silent on this now that it is their man behind the trigger.
TAXING AMERICAN BORN CITIZENS OF OTHER COUNTRIES: Under the current administration, the IRS has been authorized to now treat anyone who was born in the United States but who is actually the citizen of a foreign country as an American taxpayer. Consider that for a moment. Your parents were visiting or working in the U.S., your mother was pregnant and you were born before your parents returned to their own country. You are now an 'accidental' American citizen and taxpayer even if you never lived in the United States, claimed American citizenship or even dropped in for a visit to Disney World with your kids on a two-week vacation. In fact, you are not only a taxpayer, you now owe back taxes for all the years you have been working and paying taxes in your own country.
Thousands of letters were sent to citizens of other countries, born in the United States, advising them that they were going to be charged with tax evasion, ostensibly making them criminal fugitives, unless they contacted the IRS and made arrangements to settle their outstanding tax debt.
There are countless more examples but these are some of the more egregious and they exemplify a growing trend in government to control the lives of its citizens. There has been an increasing encroachment on civil liberties and the rights of citizens in most democratic countries and I don’t see it as a left or right issue.
Are any of the extreme media opportunists good for any of us? |
Recently, Rush Limbaugh called a university student a slut on air. He was rightly criticized heavily for it by outraged people on all sides of the political divide. Where was the left when Bill Maher referred to Sarah Palin as a "c*nt" or Ms Palin and Michele Bachman as "boobs"? Where was the left's outrage when it was one of their own who behaved so shamefully?
It certainly didn’t come from Gloria Steinham who happily sat on Mr. Maher’s program to chat with the 'wonderfully provocative' darling of the left entertainment world.
It didn't come from the left-biased media elite who are always quick to jump on every perceived slight by those on the right, no matter how insignificant.
Where were all those left-leaning celebrities who speak out against even the slightest comment that demeans women they see or hear on the right? Where was Susan Sarandan, Soledad O'Brien or even Hillary Clinton? Apparently the Left believes it is only inappropriate to demean women you like or with whom you tend to agree.
In what can only be described as bemusing, the outrage over Maher's comments came from people like Ann Coulter. Routinely criticized by the left, it was Ms Coulter who is best known for her somewhat rabid, extreme right-wing, shoot-from-the-lip attitude was equally critical of both Mr. Limbaugh and Mr. Maher. The rest of those on the left, apparently were too busy applauding Mr. Maher’s grandstanding donation of $1 million to Barrack Obama’s Super PAC to be concerned with concepts like hypocrisy. For his part, President Obama has yet to decline the contribution despite all of his comments about wanting his daughters to grow up in a society where women are treated with respect and free to hold and voice their opinions without being demeaned. In the president's rarified world, money talks...bullshit walks.
It certainly didn’t come from Gloria Steinham who happily sat on Mr. Maher’s program to chat with the 'wonderfully provocative' darling of the left entertainment world.
It would seem that Bill Maher share as much in common with George. W. Bush as he does with Rush Limbaugh. |
Where were all those left-leaning celebrities who speak out against even the slightest comment that demeans women they see or hear on the right? Where was Susan Sarandan, Soledad O'Brien or even Hillary Clinton? Apparently the Left believes it is only inappropriate to demean women you like or with whom you tend to agree.
In what can only be described as bemusing, the outrage over Maher's comments came from people like Ann Coulter. Routinely criticized by the left, it was Ms Coulter who is best known for her somewhat rabid, extreme right-wing, shoot-from-the-lip attitude was equally critical of both Mr. Limbaugh and Mr. Maher. The rest of those on the left, apparently were too busy applauding Mr. Maher’s grandstanding donation of $1 million to Barrack Obama’s Super PAC to be concerned with concepts like hypocrisy. For his part, President Obama has yet to decline the contribution despite all of his comments about wanting his daughters to grow up in a society where women are treated with respect and free to hold and voice their opinions without being demeaned. In the president's rarified world, money talks...bullshit walks.
While it is still impossible to actually know what Occupy actually stands for, it is fairly self-evident that it is not right-wing. While the left likes to criticize the Tea Party and not without justification, the simple fact is that the Tea Party has used the system to build its membership. We may not agree with its policies or principles but one thing is clear, it has shown respect for the democratic process and the Constitution of the United States.
Contrast that with Occupy which tramples the rights of others, stands in solidarity with convicted prisoners as San Quentin, rationalized sexual assault and child abuse within its own camps and defaced and vandalized public and private property including churches. Where was the left when Occupy was on its rampage? They were writing checks in support of a protest rabble they claimed was the ideal of democracy. Tired, forgotten left-wing activists from the 60’s were lining up to for photo ops at the tent cities and left-leaning celebrities were all over themselves to demonstrate they were in solidarity.
Another example of the kind for freedom of expression condoned and supported by many on the left |
Contrast that with Occupy which tramples the rights of others, stands in solidarity with convicted prisoners as San Quentin, rationalized sexual assault and child abuse within its own camps and defaced and vandalized public and private property including churches. Where was the left when Occupy was on its rampage? They were writing checks in support of a protest rabble they claimed was the ideal of democracy. Tired, forgotten left-wing activists from the 60’s were lining up to for photo ops at the tent cities and left-leaning celebrities were all over themselves to demonstrate they were in solidarity.
Are you getting the point?
There is much to criticize on the right and it should be criticized aggressively and usually is. It is the hypocrisy on the left that bothers me. While the right is accused of being ideological, it is the left that clings to its ideology even in the face overwhelming evidence that what it supports is undermining the very things the left claims to hold most dear.
Michael Moore protesting the wealth of others while enjoy the luxury of his own |
It claims to support the poor but doesn’t do much more than pay lip service to any concept of real support. Even in times of high unemployment and harsh economic realities, the left can always be counted on to support another union demand for higher wages and more benefits regardless of the impact it has on others.
The left criticizes wealth on the right while celebrating and even wallowing in the reflected glory of those who support them like Michael Moore, George Soros and Al Gore. The left has turned environmentalism and social activism into highly profitable ventures and have become highly accomplished at ensuring government funding for their profitable, non-profit organizations and causes.
In a world where there are some hard economic choices that have to be made, the left always finds a way to justify making sure the funds continue to flow to their pet projects and friends even if it means not using money to overcome things like child poverty. They can blame that on the right after the check clears the bank.
And in the end, that is my increasing problem with the left.
The left talks a good game but when they have their hands on the reins of power, they are no better than the right and too often even worse. The hypocrisy is palpable and offensive. Too many groups and organizations on the left that claim to be working for the greater good are lined up like pigs at the trough at every opportunity to get a piece of the cash.
Politically, they are as ideological as anything the criticize on the right.
The left talks a good game but when they have their hands on the reins of power, they are no better than the right and too often even worse. The hypocrisy is palpable and offensive. Too many groups and organizations on the left that claim to be working for the greater good are lined up like pigs at the trough at every opportunity to get a piece of the cash.
Politically, they are as ideological as anything the criticize on the right.
The left is determined to support Barrack Obama, not because he is the great defender of liberty or even all that effective as president. They support him because to do otherwise might make them seem racist, a charge they often make against those critical of the president. They support him because it's politically correct and the image of voting for a black man is one they like. He's young and seems cool. They support him because he's on the left, with them and when his policies seem a little right-wing, they remain silent because to criticize him would be an admission they were wrong. Image is everything with the left.
They support him in much the same way they supported Occupy, without much thought to the consequences of where he is leading them. It is absurd adherence to ideology and a wilful partisan blindness that not only rivals but that exceeds most on the right.
They support him in much the same way they supported Occupy, without much thought to the consequences of where he is leading them. It is absurd adherence to ideology and a wilful partisan blindness that not only rivals but that exceeds most on the right.
I believe that if all you can offer up is the same hypocrisy that you are against in others, then you are no better than what you oppose. Your stated values and principles are made meaningless. There is corruption, lack of ethics and sheer stupidity on the right but those are more than just a part of the left’s lexicon as well.
The only real difference between the left and the right today is the left wants it both ways with its sanctimonious, self-righteous hypocrisy. It is impossible to maintain any sense of credibility for what you espouse when you embrace the same language, tactics and assaults on ethical morality as those you criticize.
Unfortunately for the left, principles are only valid if you actually live them and you can't lay claim to living them if you are unprepared to judge yourself by the same standards by which you judge those with whom you disagree. While it likes to lay claim to the moral high ground, the simple fact is that the left has proven itself to be as unprincipled as anything it criticizes on the right.
It's hard to imagine how that is going to make a reality out of the left's promise of a better way of doing things.
Unfortunately for the left, principles are only valid if you actually live them and you can't lay claim to living them if you are unprepared to judge yourself by the same standards by which you judge those with whom you disagree. While it likes to lay claim to the moral high ground, the simple fact is that the left has proven itself to be as unprincipled as anything it criticizes on the right.
It's hard to imagine how that is going to make a reality out of the left's promise of a better way of doing things.
US Defends Killing American Citizens Abroad
Fast and Furious Just May Be President Obama's Watergate
The Attack On Accidental American Citizens
Homeland Security Moves Forward With Pre-Crime Detection
Homeland Security Moves Forward With Pre-Crime Detection
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