What is it with government officials and sex? Is there something in the water or are there aphrodisiacs in the food they serve in government cafeterias? It seems like there is always some politician or official diddling someone somewhere.
Quite honestly, I’m surprised they have time for it considering how much time both politicians and bureaucrats spend screwing their respective countries but somehow they do find the time……and apparently the stamina as well.
It was revealed today that there is yet another alleged incident involving Secret Service Agents and a few hand-picked ladies of the boulevard.
According to Janet Napolitano, this is not indicative of a systemic problem but then, isn’t it politicians and their appointees who also believe that a $15 trillion deficit isn’t a sign of poor economic management either?
Politicians, bureaucrats and other officials all agree that the behaviour isn't acceptable and want to assure us that they are taking this situation seriously....hopefully more seriously than they take the budget deficit. They all would like us to believe that this kind of thing is an isolated incident but I wasn't so sure.
Politicians, bureaucrats and other officials all agree that the behaviour isn't acceptable and want to assure us that they are taking this situation seriously....hopefully more seriously than they take the budget deficit. They all would like us to believe that this kind of thing is an isolated incident but I wasn't so sure.
I decided that there was a need to dig deeper into the situation and took it upon myself to do a little research on government and sexual peccadilloes.I don't mind admitting that I wasn't overly enthusiastic about it. It's raining today and I'm feeling kind of lethargic but fortunately, it didn’t take much research to find some information which leads me to believe that I may not be the only one who has noticed government’s propensity for illicit dalliance.
It isn’t something new either. Apparently there is something in being sworn-in to office that is quite arousing because the sexual misadventures date as far back as 1796. I won’t list them here although I have provided a link to the list at the bottom of the page for those of you with more salacious curiosity.
Julie Couillard and Maxine Bernier |
Fortunately there were no American Secret Service agents present or who knows what might have happened.
John Edwards |
England, France, and of course, Italy, indeed, most major democracies have all had their share of uh oh incidents. In fact, it seems to be almost de rigour for some politicians and those associated with them. John Edwards is now on trial as the result of a sex scandal involving alleged misuse of campaign funds to cover up a sexual misadventure and, of course, Italy’s former Prime Minister Berlusconi was such a randy fellow that he could have taught the Secret Service how to really party with hookers.
Former Italian PM Berlusconi and one of his many colleagues |
That only results in damage to the reputation and credibility of the service, the government and the nation. You can't be taken seriously when people are either offended by your lack of professional character or are laughing at you or both.
I’m no prude and quite frankly don’t care what goes on between consenting adults but to be honest, I get tired of being lectured by politicians and government officials who say one thing but do another. There is very much a “do as I say, not as I do” attitude and while I don’t think sexual misconduct is all that serious, it is indicative of the same attitude they bring to everything else.
They see themselves as separate and apart from the rest of us and I believe it is because they become intoxicated by their own self-importance. It causes them to believe that the rules don’t actually apply to them.
They’re wrong. The rules do apply and they are set out in simple but extremely profound documents called constitutions.
Most nations have one, even Canada now and they all say pretty much the same thing, ‘government by the people, for the people’. What they don’t say is “government by ‘us’ for you guys.”
Being elected or appointed to government office isn’t an opportunity to live above the law or to gain added privilege. It is a responsibility to respect the principles set out in the oaths that were taken and the constitutions those offices are meant to serve.
People who cannot rise to that responsibility should definitely seek a career path adjustment. We are not well-served by those who lack both the morality and the integrity to lead by example.
When your pants and your thinking are around your ankles it is fairly difficult to protect a president but as Bill Clinton and Silvio Berlusconi discovered, it is impossible to reflect the dignity of a nation.
List of federal political sex scandals in the United States
When your pants and your thinking are around your ankles it is fairly difficult to protect a president but as Bill Clinton and Silvio Berlusconi discovered, it is impossible to reflect the dignity of a nation.
List of federal political sex scandals in the United States
Canada's sex scandals, such as they are
What Ever Happened To Integrity?
Government Takes Over Where The Mob Left Off
© 2012 Maggie's Bear
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