Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

"Singin' The White Boy Blues"

The life I have now is not the life I have always lived nor did it come to  me easily. I’ve travelled some dark roads in my life. I’ve been successful and I’ve been so broke I was homeless for awhile. I’ve achieved a few things and failed at others. Each brought its own lessons about life and about who I an as a person and each brought me closer to the life I now live.

It wasn't easy getting here but it was worth the journey and for all the difficulties and challenges I have encountered along the way, I consider myself blessed. 

I mention this because someone who doesn’t like the things I write about, or the opinions I hold, tweeted that I was consistently wrong about everything and that my opinions were shallow. It didn’t offend me. I’ve had dialogue with this particular individual before and found him remarkably under-informed. He is less than half my age, hasn’t lived the life I’ve lived nor experienced the things I’ve experienced. His juvenile evaluation of me almost made me laugh and would have except that it saddens me that there are so many coming up through the current generation who just don’t get it. They remind me of a lyric from a Jude Cole song.

“There are people dyin’ on the streets
sure don’t make the news,
while others are livin’ up on the hill
singin’ the white boy blues.” 

It never ceases to amaze me how many people today, especially young people see themselves as victims when they live a pretty privileged lifestyle compared to more than half the world’s population. There are hundreds of millions living in poverty and circumstances so destitute that starvation is almost an improvement for them. Others face terrible political oppression. They are imprisoned, tortured and slaughtered while university students in Quebec, Canada protest and riot in the streets over the equivalent of a seventy cent a day increase in their already heavily-subsidized tuition. It's like fighting over the cost of a cup of coffee a day.

They demand it as an entitlement. They condemn those already providing more than 80% of the cost of university for them because they think it's hard to attend school while working to pay for their share. Of course it's hard and it was no less difficult for the generations who went before and maybe even harder because our tuition was not subsidized.

Most of the folks in Occupy cry poor mouth while texting each other on their $500 smart phones They demand respect even as they show no respect for the rights or the property of others and that, my friends, is not the political statement of well-informed and thoughtful gjroup. It is a temper tantrum caused by spoiled, self-absorbed and adolescent thinking.

Unfortunately, it’s the kind of thinking that too many are bringing to the serious issues we face in society today. We’re in debt beyond our ability to pay comfortably but people demand more entitlements even as we are forced to borrow money just to pay the interest on the debt we already have.

Standing in solidarity against austerity, as so many did on May 1st,  is like being on the Titanic and standing in solidarity against icebergs.  When the ship goes down, all that protest will have achieved nothing because simply blaming the people who owned the ship isn’t going to save anyone. 

But that’s what we do now. We blame others, especially the rich; they are after all nothing but greedy, dishonest crooks who are the author of all of our misfortunes. Students, Occupy, Unions and countless other groups demand that the rich pay their fair share without a moment's consideration for the less than 'fair' share they pay or the more than 'fair' share they already take. In the United States, the zero income tax club is made up of more low and low middle class incomes than millionaires and the bottom 20% of income earners receive back $8.00 in government largesse while the top 20% receive less than $1.00 in taxpayer benefits for every dollar they each pay.

In Canada, the average Canadian pays over $40,000 per year in cumulative taxes from all levels of government and including all forms of taxation. Considering that the average income in Canada is only $41,000, it's pretty clear that the bulk of that tax is being paid by higher income earners.

There are some in the 1% who definitely need a good slap on the side of the head, there is no question about it but they aren’t the majority. Many who are wealthy came from nothing and what they have, they earned. Bill Gates didn’t even finish college while Steve Jobs came from a broken, lower middle-class family.  Their circumstance didn’t prevent them from building two of the most successful corporations in the world or from becoming wealthy. It also didn’t provide them with the opportunity to avoid taxation.

Like most of the wealthy, they do pay income tax along with, capital gains taxes, property taxes, surtaxes, sales taxes and corporate taxes. They also donate a significant amount of money to charity which does reduce their income tax burden but which would you rather they pay.........the government who will squander it or charities who will put it to direct good use in the community? Either way, they give the money to someone.

Those who have been successful have achieved their riches because they took risks. They invested their own money, their talent and their ideas. In the process, they created jobs for the rest of us and just like the students in Quebec, we show our appreciation by blaming them for their success and what that success brought most of us. I suppose we'll blame them when they get fed up, leave the country and take their companies and their jobs with them.

It doesn't get much more stupid than attacking the very people and companies that many students will depend on for jobs when they graduate.

Even the President of the United States worked to get where he is. He borrowed the money to go university, eventually became a senator and eventually the world’s most powerful politician. In a speech about a week ago, he admitted to having only repaid his student loans eight years ago which means he was still carrying some of those loans when he was first elected to the senate.

There are countless examples of people like this, people who started with nothing or very little but who succeeded as the result of hard work and perseverance.  You’ll find them in professional sports, entertainment, the professions, finance, technology and pretty much every other field you can think of. You’ll find even more people who failed and blamed others for their circumstance as a result.

The simple truth is that some people aren’t poor because others are wealthy and the irony is that so many who blame the rich are themselves striving to achieve the same thing.

The Internet is littered with web sites offering easy ways to make money on line and most of them are doing a booming business. There are wealth seminars and get rich quick schemes in real estate, the stock market and a myriad of products nobody ever heard of. 

Some think that poker or some other form of gambling is the road to easy wealth while others, too lazy to figure out the intricacies of the strategies in those casino games simply purchase lottery tickets week after week. The lotteries are making a killing and very few casinos go broke.

Everybody wants more but the difference today is that fewer people today are prepared to earn it. They are impatient or see themselves as victims and have an unwarranted sense of entitlement as a result. That leads to expectation that someone else is responsible; someone or something else should pay. They don’t care who gives it to them; it can be government, the rich or a windfall from a lucky lottery ticket. Easy money is the goal, entitlement is the driver.

But the simple reality is that most successful countries were built by people who wanted to achieve on their merit. Most failed countries are the result of too many demanding too much that they hadn’t earned. We’ve all seen more than a few examples of that. 

At the end of the day we all have a choice to make. We can either continue to see ourselves as victims who demand that others owe us a living or we can take responsibility for our own individual lives.

Take a crack at guessing which provides not only the most opportunity in the long run but the most self-respect and satisfaction. If you guessed seeing yourself as a victim who is owed some of what others earned simply because you find your life difficult, you might want to take a trip to Greece before you lock in your final answer. It was that thinking that led to where they are now.

© 2012 Maggie's Bear
all rights reserved
The content of this article is the sole property of Maggie's Bear but a link to it may be shared by those who think it may be of interest to others

Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

Guest Contributor - EKKS: The Complexity of Free Speech

Today a commentary from guest contributor Ekks (her Twitter handle) who takes issue with a petition to have Twitter remove an account for tweeting offensive messages. I think she correctly identifies the issue. All across Twitter, people demand their right to freedom of expression but when they disagree with or encounter something they find offensive, then they suddenly support selective censorship. Isn't that the very thing the Twitterverse is demanding the government not be permitted to do?

That's the problem with free speech; at some point you're going to bump into speech you really don't like. How we deal with it will determine the kind of society we will have and just how committed we are to the concept of freedom of speech.

Here's the petition followed by the response from Ekks.

Shut down the account of so-and-so because… why? 

Because they’re exercising what is left of our (American) amendment rights? 

Please…please…tell me I am missing something else.

While you prepare your silent rebuttal to this in your head, see if you can multitask and continue reading before you throw out some petition to have me removed from Twitter because I am publicly voicing opposition and distaste for your motion.

Let’s make one thing clear.  No, I do not necessarily share the same views as this ‘hateful’ user.  I have not read all of their Tweets, and I certainly do not agree on many of the Tweets that I have read which are filled with racial slurs that favour the black community as the target.  I also do not consider myself a person of Christian faith, therefor I do not necessarily agree with those Tweets, either.  However, I do not feel that they should be “shut down” for exercising their freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and right to a peaceful assembly which are protected by Amendment I.  Of course, there is fine print and deeper regulations within Amendment I.  Feel free to research the fine print and more via search engine.  I have, and yes… tricky, tricky.  Racism, sexism, or various hate speech are often permitted… as is the right to peacefully assemble and voice these opinions.  So, what sense does this petition make?

To me?  It makes no sense.  It makes no sense because of the obvious rights the user has as an American citizen.  Texan, I believe, to be more exact.  ‘The rights of a citizen’ defense speaks for itself, so I will take it to a less law abiding level.  Many petitioners are advocates for equality.  Perhaps advocates for less governmental control when it comes to the rights of individuals (i.e., women’s rights, rights of minorities, rights to privacy, rights to vote for the candidate of their choice, etc.), and I am almost positive would be unhappy if someone told them to to stop Tweeting because it goes against the opinions of others. 

There is a block button.  If you do not like what you see, block it.  Some say ignorance is bliss.  Or, better yet… speak out against it to that person.  Fight your own battles?  Shower the user with love.  Reach out to them.  If they do not accept your hand, well… let them be or try and try again.  This person is not a lawmaker, this person is not dictating what is and isn’t in your life, this person is not forcing you to share the same opinions as you.  Do not be a hypocrite and try and strip this person’s rights when you’re shouting at the same government & various companies for slowly stripping yours.  Instead, walk away and focus on yourself and becoming (or maintaining to be) a better person because of the trash you’re subjecting yourself to reading.

I am sure this user is basking in this attention.  This backlash of opposition is inflating their ego by the second.  This user knows people who didn’t even KNOW of their existence before today are now being subjected to the message the user is Tweeting.  Cause and affect.  Action/reaction.   Bad press is good press.  I am sure they also know that their chances of their account being ‘shut down’ is slim to none.  So please, by all means… carry on with your counter productive encouragement rather than walking the road too often traveled.

Without in-depth research, here’s something to think about.  If you wish to shut this person down for hate and racial slurs, be it 100% of their Tweets or not… you better start shutting down a lot of people.  Shut down the people that call things or people “retarded” so casually.  Remove all the faux public figure accounts that are constantly mocking the actual figure or society for a laugh.  Shut down all the accounts that have no religious affiliation, support same sex marriage, all the users that post porn, all the users that make sexist jokes, all the users that toss out fantasies and fetishes like sadism, murder, or fetish like it’s candy.  Remove all the users that have ever uttered the word ‘hate’ casually or with just as much passion as The KKK. 

Are you thinking, “Oh, but there’s a difference.  This user is constantly going on and on about it and I make jokes or casually something slips out, but that is different.  It is not about blacks, either.”  It isn’t different, actually.  Whether it takes 3384+ Tweets to advocate and inflict hate or intolerance upon someone or just ‘that one word that one time’, it is still the spreading of hate.  “A single grain of rice can tip the scale.  One man may make the difference.”

I am far from perfect.  I have said this and that, joked about him, her, you, them, and myself.  I am human… just like you.  Just like that user.  Am I hypocrite?  Aren’t we all in some fashion?  I dislike when people talk during a program, but the ears better be listening if I have something to say during it.  Am I racist?  I’ve never dated an Asian, by choice… and I am Asian.  Sometimes really natural tight curled hair freaks me out.  So, am I?  Perhaps.  Am I hateful in general at times?  Sure.  With all that being said (and more left unsaid), I am still not going to go all righteous and pretend I’m morally any better (overall) than another American citizen with the same rights, same imperfections… just because we have different views.  If we all felt the same what would we end up feeling?  Love & harmony?  No.  We’d probably feel a lot more emptiness and perhaps even nothing because… well, we’d be like robots.

The petition? Counter-productive & contradicting, to say the least.  The petitioners? Good for them for exercising their rights, too, by peacefully assembling.  However, just stop and think about it all for a moment.

And, if someone finally decides to Tweet back with why I should sign the petition… thank you in advance.  So far, no replies… just the continual passing of the link without rhyme or reason.

“Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?”

© 2012 Maggie's Bear
all rights reserved
The content of this article is the sole property of Maggie's Bear but a link to it may be shared by those who think it may be of interest to others

Stand Your Ground (But don't pee on the electric fence!)

I used to watch the Jerry Springer Show. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking the same thing Maggie thought and voiced. She wondered how I could watch something that not only had no socially redeeming value but which clearly illustrated the worst in human behaviour.

And that is precisely why I used to watch it.

It was like watching a car accident. You know you shouldn't but you can't pull your eyes away. The behaviour is so unbelievable. I used to tell Maggie that the next time she wondered how our countries got into the various messes we were in, she should remember the Jerry Springer Show. I told her I watched it to remind myself that the people on that show could not only breed, they could vote and that explained a lot about what is happening to our societies.

It would be unfair to blame it all on Jerry Springer or his show though. He seems like a reasonably nice, if sometimes somewhat bewildered, sort of guy and his program isn’t the only one that provides a forum for the intellectually and morally bankrupt to celebrate their moment in the sun.

There are lots of opportunities on television, in government, the broader mainstream media and certainly on social media for those who may prove Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is a crock.

Consider this fellow in North Carolina; no doubt a proud American who believes in the Constitution, God and the Bill of Rights. 

Clearly he believes sufficiently in the right of free speech when it comes to his right to express his opinion, he’s just not quite as fanatical about defending that right for others if they express an idea with which he disagrees. He reminds me of the precious dears in the Occupy Movement who talk endlessly about democracy and their rights while trampling all over the rights of those they consider the enemy.

That, of course, is the problem with freedom of speech; at some point you’re going to hear something from someone that you just don’t like. It might be an opposing idea, a hateful message or just plain stupid but they have the right to voice that stupidity just as the rest of us have the right not to listen.

There is a significant difference between choosing to tune out a message you don’t like and shouting it down or, as in this case, standing your ground and treating it like a home invasion.

People express their opinions quite freely and so they should. It is unfortunate that more people don’t bother to actually inform themselves before forming and then expressing that opinion but that’s life in a free society. It’s also life in a free society where some are just so far out there, even being fully informed isn’t going to save them.


This may actually be the first time somebody used urination as a tool to help get them elected to public office. Hopefully it won’t be the start of a trend. I would hate to contemplate the nature of those political ads once the big ad companies take a run at creating them. Political advertising is crass enough without bringing bodily functions into the mix.

But it does serve to remind us of how we end up with the extremists, the religious fanatics who protest the funerals of the military, who preach that God hates this group or that and activists who believe that the best way to combat corruption on Wall Street is through vandalism and self-indulgent behaviour.

It reminds us of how we can end up with school officials who ban words like 'dancing', 'dinosour' and 'Halloween" or a government like Egypt which just passed a new law permitting husbands to have sex with their spouse up to six hours after she has died. Now there's a law the world was awaiting breathlessly. It would seem that morgues in Egypt may soon become more like honeymoon hotels than anything else.

It’s also reminds us that it is where the folks who appear on Jerry Springer come from and fortunately for him, it appears that he won’t have to worry about running out of new guests for the foreseeable future. 

I may have been wrong about them voting but clearly they are breeding like hamsters in a cage taking a break from the big wheel. 


We Are Drowning In Stupidity

Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get More Stupid

Occupy Protesters Bravely Face Another Night Of Tent Brutality

Guest Contributor - EKKS: The Complexity of Free Speech

© 2012 Maggie's Bear
all rights reserved
The content of this article is the sole property of Maggie's Bear but a link to it may be shared by those who think it may be of interest to others

Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Teaching Children To Achieve Mediocrity

The most depraved type of human being is the man
without a purpose.
- Ayn Rand

I get up every morning and embrace hope. Honestly I do. I wake up, slowly I admit, but filled with the hope that this new day, I will not stumble over more stupidity beyond government stupidity to which I am pretty much resigned.

I woke up this morning with cautious optimism. I say cautious because I knew Occupy would be on the loose today and who knows what stupidity they’re capable of implementing.

My caution was well placed and my hope was dashed on the rocks of idiocy. No….it wasn’t Occupy, as hard as that is to believe. In fact, it wasn’t even government. It was amateur soccer.

The organizers of children’s soccer in my city are implementing a number of changes to the game in order to make it more ‘inclusive’ and less competitive.

Less competitive? Soccer is a game; it’s supposed to be competitive.

Here are the changes.

1. There will be no goal tenders in order to make it easier for the less skilled player to perhaps have an opportunity to score.

2. Games will be held but score will not be kept to prevent any sense of winning and losing which might hurt the feelings of those on the losing team.

3. The word tournaments will not be used. It will be replaced by the word festival which has a more celebratory, inclusive feel to it and which removes any sense of soccer being a competition of skills.

4. Teams with visible minority players will be expected to ensure that the percentage of goals scored will match the percentage of racial diversity on the team although if they are not tracking goals, I’m unsure how they expect to track this.

5. All teams will receive a trophy at each festival.

There are more changes but you get the picture. These changes come on the heels of their previous ruling that any team which won the game by more than five goals (while they were still keeping score) actually was declared to have lost the game by default. I can’t even begin to explain to you, let alone myself, how people think up stupidity like this.

It isn’t a few wingnuts behind this either. The Chair for Sport Research at Laurentian University is extolling this approach as a better way to teach children and even Sport Canada has come down in favour of making soccer less competitive for players under eight.

It's like deciding that children can be taught how to play chess but they will not be permitted to achieve checkmate. All games will be mandated to end in stalemate. Won't that make chess a much more satisfying game for everyone! I imagine that they will also mandate that both black and white pieces must be removed in equal numbers to maintain proper racial diversity on the board.

Life is nothing, if not competitive. All life competes. All species compete. Surely we have a duty and a responsibility to teach our children how to deal with competition?

Competition is one of the primary drivers that motivate us to strive to achieve. What’s the point in trying if you don’t have to worry about the end result? If everything is boiled down to the lowest common denominator then mediocrity becomes the new standard.

Think about it.

Instead of teaching children how to win gracefully and how to lose with dignity, instead of teaching children the value of working hard to develop skills that will reward them, we are lowering expectations. We are teaching our children that the best and brightest of us, the people who work hardest, strive for the stars don’t deserve any more than those who are average or can't be bothered trying.

It is very much behind the attitude so prevalent today where the successful are being attacked for being....well....successful.

We used to teach our children important things like manners, respect for others, integrity and the value of hard work. We used to teach them self-reliance and how to learn from defeat and to try again.

Now we are preparing our children to have the same entitlement attitude that has become the new normal for too many in our societies.

We are teaching our children that there is no value in hard work, no reward in learning and practicing to be better. We are teaching them to be like too many of us who look for ways to force the achievers to drop down to our level so that we don’t have to strive to reach up to theirs.

We are allowing the stupid thinking of the politically correct and the mediocre to rob our children of their full potential,  their desire and the opportunity to strive to be the very best that they can be.

I hate to admit it because I always found her a little too extreme for my taste but Ayn Rand was right. We are allowing mediocrity to take control and become the new standard by which we will live. I wonder how long it will be before the best of us, the most successful, the most talented and the most creative simply give us the finger and move somewhere else.

I also wonder how mediocrity will serve us then. Where is John Galt when you need him most?


Happy All Inclusive, Politically Correct Halloween

Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get More Stupid

Sheep! How Much More Stupid Can It Get?

© 2012 Maggie's Bear
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The content of this article is the sole property of Maggie's Bear but a link to it may be shared by those who think it may be of interest to others

Honourable Members

Have you ever heard something said that was just so patently stupid you were convinced you hadn’t heard correctly? I heard something like that last week and after I realized that there was nothing wrong with my hearing and I had heard it correctly, I thought my head was going to explode.

The Right Honourable Prime Minister of Canada stood up in Parliament and chided the leader of the Official Opposition for not supporting the war against Hitler.

Where does stupidity like that come from? This is the leader of our government. The Leader of the Opposition wasn’t even born until six years after WWII, the party he leads wasn’t formed until 1961 and didn’t exist during the war and, of course, the war has  been over for more than 60 years.

The Prime Minister’s comments received the usual huzzahs and rah rah’s from the honourable members on his side of the House and boos and derision from the opposition benches.

Personally, I’m surprised that he didn’t hold them responsible for trying to delay construction of the Trans Canada Highway, which finally opened in 1962, with endless environmental assessments. Perhaps that is coming.

While it was the Prime Minister and his trained pit bull, the Minister For Foreign Affairs, this time; the simple fact is that no party in parliament deserves to have its members called 'honourable. Justin Trudeau recently referred to the Minister of Foreign Affairs as a 'piece of shit' in The House while his colleagues cheered him on. 

The opposition parties ask ridiculous questions that are designed less to get answers than to try and embarrass the government while the government trots out responses that ignore the question. In the end, nothing of value is said, nothing of value is accomplished and our honourable members refer to this as representative democracy.

I wasn't so sure about that because it doesn't represent what I believe in so I asked Scottish comedian Danny Bhoy to give us his perspective on how the honourable members in some European parliaments conduct themselves.

Hmmm. It seems thinks aren't any better in Europe and maybe even a little worse in some countries but surely somewhere in the world, honourable members are cognizant of the fact that they represent the people. Surely somewhere, there are politicians who show the proper respect for the people's parliament.

I went further east in my research, all the way to Taiwan to see if I could find honourable members who understood and respected that they were in the people's house, representing the people.

While honourable members in Canada and parts of Europe have devolved parliamentary language and decorum down to an adolescent level, honourable members in Taiwan have dispensed with language all together.

Considering the manner in which most members of parliaments seem to conduct themselves, it kind of makes you wonder how they ever came up with the term 'honourable' members doesn't it?


© 2012 Maggie's Bear
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The content of this article is the sole property of Maggie's Bear but a link to it may be shared by those who think it may be of interest to others